Taiwan 出会い。帰りたい場所台湾展


1998年マドリッドで写真を学び、その後、日本、韓国の旅行やファッション雑誌、航空会社の機内誌のカメラマンとして仕事をしてきました。娘が生まれたことにより、自宅での作品制作を始め、2012年に「The Memory of things」をソウルで発表。その後、マドリッド、ロンドン、東京で展覧会を開き、2016年より台北で制作活動をしています。




会期 2020年7月16日より8月2日

場所 東京彩健茶荘 



 1998年時在馬德里學攝影成為攝影師,並身兼日本和韓国的旅行、時尚雜誌、航空公司攝影師及作家的工作。自從女兒出生以後,創作地點改為在自家,2012年在首爾發表了「The Memory of things」。之後也陸續在馬德里、倫敦、東京等各國開展,在2016年曾有在台北從事創作活動的經驗。




The main focus of my work is family, as well as the experiences of daily life. The core inspiration and motivation behind my pieces are the many different and interesting cultures, beliefs and customs, peoples and landscapes that my family and I were able to experience living in Japan, Spain, Bulgaria, South Korea and Taiwan.

Upon studying photography in Madrid in 1998, I later worked with Korean and Japanese airlines and fashion magazines as a photographer and journalist. I began creating art from home after the birth of my first daughter; later on, in 2012, I debuted my first collection “The Memory of Things” in Seoul. In the years following, I had exhibitions in Madrid, London, and Tokyo, and from 2016 to 2020 I was involved in several art activities and events in Taipei. 

Taipei’s distinctively tropical feel, of streets lined with ga and palm trees and of warm monsoon rains, filled my heart with calm and joy. I had the opportunity to meet many people during my time in Taipei; each special meeting led to another, and another, and in this manner I was able to meet dozens of wonderful, inspiring people. One specific meeting led to the creation of the first piece of this collection, which led to the creation of piece after piece, all of which you will see tonight; a special thank you to Ms.Cristi Lan Lin for that original inspiration. To the rest of my friends, thank you, for not only having such an impact on my life during those Taipei years, but also for inspiring me in one way or another--I hope you see little bits of your influence in these collections.