Collaboration Event with les enphants @ Heritage Bakery & Cafe

2019年12月11日から2020年3月31日まで台北駅近くのHeritage Bakery & Cafe にて、台湾の子供服ブランドles enphantsとのコラボイベント開催。

Mother’s Loveシリーズのモチーフを使ったTシャツ、クッションカバー、ノートなどのグッズを販売しています。

From Dec. 11, 2019 - March 31, 2020, my collaboration with the Taiwanese children’s clothing brand les enphants will be exhibited at the Heritage Bakery & Cafe, which is near Taipei Main Station.

Goods—including t-shirts, cushion covers, and notebooks—inspired by my pieces, and using the “Mother’s Love” collection as a motif, will be on sale.

Please feel free to drop by if you want, you are always welcome! Thank you.


Heritage Bakery&Cafe



No.73-2, Sec. 1, Hankou St.,

Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City


(02) 2311 1079

Open Hours

Everyday 10:30AM~8PM